TakeJobs Home Page

Start Life With Global Domains International

About You

TakeJobs. is now accepting job listings, resumes and help tips. I want to hear from you. Weather your looking for a job and want to post your resume or you have a position available.

Employment:   Job seekers, this could be your first step to put your self out there.  Don't be shy. This is free advertising for your new career opportunities. Trust me, someone out there is looking for someone just like you. I will be accepting typed or video resumes. Need help with your resume, no problem. Just let me know and I'll do the research with you. Video resumes online have really taken of. Look on YouTube for great example in getting started.

Employers:  If you have a position available and your looking for just the right person to fill it, then why waste time and money to find them. Just post your jobs with me for free.  

Advice Givers and Readers: If your in need of a job, have a job listing or would just like to help other people succeed then this is your chance . 

Send your info to takejobs@live.com and be sure to include full description, your questions or what you would like displayed. Photos and video will be displayed if ask.