A resume is your selling tool to, at a glance, let your employer to be know a little bit about your background. Letting them know your skills level and experience that qualifies you for their workplace. Putting this on a piece of paper may come easy for some and not so easy for others. Some people are confident in their skills and others may just be learning that skill or want to start a new skill. Let me set this straight. It does not matter. Getting to the interview is what counts the most.
How to get to that interview. Did you know that most resumes are picked for interview within 30 seconds. It's true. One goes in the interview pile and one goes to the rejected pile. Why does this happen so quickly? Well, When the employer goes through a pile of resumes he or she are looking for just a few things. What are these things? This is the funny part. Everyone writes so much about themselves, what they did at their last job, where they went to college etc. and sometimes forget the most important part. The employer doesn't care about all that crap. All they want to know is what makes you qualified for this position. So start your resume with an objective statement about the position and you will not go straight to the reject pile.
What makes you qualified for the position your applying for is determined on how much you know about the position. Le'ts say you are applying for a job you had never done before. Is someone more qualified more likely to get the job? NO! Seems stupid, Right? If you research the company you want to work for and research the position and it's job set skills then you can speak about them in a resume. These are the few things that the employer is looking for. Heck, If you don't even know what your applying for you can look it up on youtube or someplace. Man, You can learn to build a solar panel for doghouse on youtube. Know what your walking in to and write that on your resume. It doesn't hurt to throw the companys name in there ones or trice.
A bad resume talks about your self to much. A good resume talks about the company you want to work for and what you know about that company. Still keep in mind that education is good and past work experience but, this is just a header for a resume. Like I said " Research the Company" and "Research the Position" . Talk about what you know of the company and the position your applying for.
Different companies need different resumes. I know that most people focus on making that one great resume and they send that great resume out to all kinds of job offers. Then what happen, NO CALL BACKS. This is what I mean. You have to write the resume for the company and not for yourself.
Try this out for that new position your applying for and see if you cant get a much better response from that future employer.
David Walker- TakeJobs.
If you just don't know how to even get started or where. There are companies out there that can help but, their not free. You just have to ask yourself is a good job worth a good resume. If you need help getting started I recommend Blue Sky Resumes or Amazing Resumes. Both have had great feedback and are top in there class.